Friday, March 6, 2009

Among the missing...

I've been gone for a while. I dropped my laptop. So sad. But the good news is that I just bought a new one. YAY!

Right before the terrible laptop incident I bought a new camera so I should be updating soon with some new pics.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Extra Ghetto

So I HAD to post today and I needed my son to take my pic. I interrupted his XBox game so he was in a rush and this is what you get. Extra ghetto pic with a cable wire lying in the hall and the shitty background. I have a timer on my camera but I haven't found a good spot to set it where I have a nice background for pics. At least I looked good. Oh, had to chop off my head in the pic because I was making some kind of crazy face. Besides, it's 8pm.

Here is a close up of my necklace.

Dress Thrift $3.58
Jacket AJ Wright $6.00
Tights WalMart $4.99
Shoes WalMart $17.00
Necklace Target $12.99
Total $44.56
ghetto fab pic...priceless.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I didn't have time to take a pic this morning then when I got home one of my rotten kids took my digital camera. I tried to take a pic with my cell but it was terrible. After I got undressed my camera was returned so I just took a pic of my necklace. I call her Wilma because it reminds me of the necklace Wilma Flintstone wears.

I knit this necklace myself. I love it. I am working on a few more for xmas presents and of course a few more for me.

Today I wore:
Black Gaucho Pants Lane Bryant $19.99 (they are really flowy and look like a skirt)
Black Tank part of a twin set Lane Bryant $6.99
Tan sweater August Silk thrifted $1.75
Boots Payless $7.00
Necklace self made

Total $35.73

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday Night

Went to a party last night. This is what I wore. Not that sexy but I was cold. The shirt is too big and makes me look fat(ter). I need to go throught my closet and weed out some things.
Blazer - Macy's $9.99
Shirt - Lane Bryant $6.99
Jeans - Lee Riders $13.00
Boots - Payless $5.00
Necklace - self made
Bag - $1.99
Total - $36.97

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Deal

I had to work today but I still wanted to boost the economy by making a purchase so I went to my favorite thrift store and found this brand new dress for the bargain price of (drumroll please.....) $3.58!!! Yes three fifty eight. Can you believe it? And it's brand new! It was half price day today. I'm not sure how much I helped the economy but I am very happy.

Detail of the back of the dress. The brand is Amanda Smith and the original price was $43.

This is one of the ways I plan to wear it, probably next week. I'll have to drop it at the drycleaner's tomorrow. I was thinking that my red shoes would be too predictable with black and white. I do have a zebra belt and bag and black heels. Maybe I'll do that next time. I am so happy, this dress is very versatile and will go with lots of things in my closet.

Tomorrow night I am goin to my brother in law's bday party so I'll post pics of my sexy outfit. Promise!

Monday, November 24, 2008


So for some reason the memory card for my camera says that it needs to be formated but it won't format. The USB cord is MIA. Figures. I wanted to post some kind of pic so I grabbed my phone and took a few pics of some shoes I recently bought.

I found these shoes at A J Wright. LOVE THEM. They were only $14.99!! The only pair in the whole store were size 7 1/2 and I jammed my foot into them but they were a whole size too small so I marched my butt over to customer service and they called 2 other stores until they located them in my size. AND they only had that one pair in the entire store! I only had to drive 12 minutes away but it was worth the ride. Thanks customer service rep! I went to the store with my daughter to grab a few outfits for her and she spotted the shoes first but didn't tell me because she knew that I would want them. When I saw them she looked at me and rolled her eyes and laughed. She knew I was going to get those shoes no matter what.

Close up so you can see the detail. Sorry my camera phone takes kind of crappy pics.

I bought these babies at Wal Mart this weekend. They were only $17. My lighting is terrible but they are a pretty shade of gray. I only went there to get some toiletries but I can not be trusted in Wal Mart because I tend to wander to the clothing section. I have an addictioin, what can I say?!

I wore the gray shoes today with gray tights and a black skirt and top. If my camera was working you could have seen it. Perhaps tomorrow...

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hello, My name is Mrs. M and I'm a shopaholic.

Seriously, I love shopping. I love fashion. I love getting dressed up. I have not having unlimited funds to support my habit but I am able to find some great deals and I want to share with you what I have found and how I put it together. I have been stalking some fashion blogs and have gotten some great ideas so I want to play too.

Watch this space for some of my latest finds.