Monday, November 24, 2008


So for some reason the memory card for my camera says that it needs to be formated but it won't format. The USB cord is MIA. Figures. I wanted to post some kind of pic so I grabbed my phone and took a few pics of some shoes I recently bought.

I found these shoes at A J Wright. LOVE THEM. They were only $14.99!! The only pair in the whole store were size 7 1/2 and I jammed my foot into them but they were a whole size too small so I marched my butt over to customer service and they called 2 other stores until they located them in my size. AND they only had that one pair in the entire store! I only had to drive 12 minutes away but it was worth the ride. Thanks customer service rep! I went to the store with my daughter to grab a few outfits for her and she spotted the shoes first but didn't tell me because she knew that I would want them. When I saw them she looked at me and rolled her eyes and laughed. She knew I was going to get those shoes no matter what.

Close up so you can see the detail. Sorry my camera phone takes kind of crappy pics.

I bought these babies at Wal Mart this weekend. They were only $17. My lighting is terrible but they are a pretty shade of gray. I only went there to get some toiletries but I can not be trusted in Wal Mart because I tend to wander to the clothing section. I have an addictioin, what can I say?!

I wore the gray shoes today with gray tights and a black skirt and top. If my camera was working you could have seen it. Perhaps tomorrow...


90-Dayer said...

LOVE both pair of shoes! I've been known to hunt an item down if I really want it and I too can not be trusted in Wal-Mart alone (I definitely need a chaperon) :)

H said...

Thank you Princess. My hubby can't chaperone because he tends to wander also and my kids have long given up because they have been trained to know better.

V said...

I love the peep toe!