Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Deal

I had to work today but I still wanted to boost the economy by making a purchase so I went to my favorite thrift store and found this brand new dress for the bargain price of (drumroll please.....) $3.58!!! Yes three fifty eight. Can you believe it? And it's brand new! It was half price day today. I'm not sure how much I helped the economy but I am very happy.

Detail of the back of the dress. The brand is Amanda Smith and the original price was $43.

This is one of the ways I plan to wear it, probably next week. I'll have to drop it at the drycleaner's tomorrow. I was thinking that my red shoes would be too predictable with black and white. I do have a zebra belt and bag and black heels. Maybe I'll do that next time. I am so happy, this dress is very versatile and will go with lots of things in my closet.

Tomorrow night I am goin to my brother in law's bday party so I'll post pics of my sexy outfit. Promise!

1 comment:

90-Dayer said...

Wow! Good deal and very versatile. I'm loving the bag too!